
April 1, 2013

luke winslow king

This Saturday we finally had a chance to visit the infamous Broadway Oyster Bar. We could hear the big band music playing from the parking lot and we were immediately drawn in. The bar has multi-colored lights strewn from the ceiling rafters and the decor is a hodge-podge of nostalgic blues and jazz pieces. We felt like we walked into a bar in the French Quarter. The band playing that night was from New Orleans, a city we both love. Luke Winslow King and crew soulfully sang and played a variety of instruments (including the washboard and a horseshoe) and we quickly lost track of time. Sweet home St. Louis.

fox + gypsy


  1. Isn't the oyster bar fun!?

    And his hair is gorgeous! Give it to me.

  2. So fun! We should all go sometime. I wish I would have thought to ask him what his hair secrets are!
