
May 1, 2013

fringe with benefits

A of couple weeks ago, we were doing some serious spring cleaning in our closets.  We went through the typical routine of, "to keep or not to keep? That is the question."  It was not easy, but with all bad things, there is always a silver lining. We found some promising things that we could revamp and make new again, including this old tie-dye shirt. We will probably be sporting it later this summer in the hot, hot heat of Tennessee for the Bonnaroo Music Festival

what you'll need:
old shirt
marking utensil (chalk)

How to: 
Try on the shirt to see where you'd like the fringe to start. Ours starts higher so it looks like a crop top. Mark with your marking utensil and cut upwards towards your line.  You can make the strands as thick or thin as you'd like. When finished you can knot the ends for an additional unique look to your "new" shirt.

fox + gypsy

1 comment:

  1. I love doing this to old shirts!!!! So cute!!!!

