
July 21, 2017

History on Tap

This past Wednesday, we attended our first
Young Friends of Missouri History Museum's events,
History On Tap.

Young Friends of the Missouri History Museum is
a group of 20,30, to 40 somethings that introduce young 
adults and young professionals to the Missouri History
Museum, and creating ways to get involved with the museum.
gives you access to social events, like the History on Tap
, education and networking events,
access to behind the scenes special access tours of exhibits
of the Missouri History Museum, as well as the opportunity
to meet other cool people who share an interest in history.
St. Louis is FILLED with history.

History On Tap is an event put on by the Young Friends
of the Missouri History museum. These events are held
at places that hold alot of history and many stories to 
be told over some beer, food and good company.

This Month's History on tap was held at the
Anheuser-Busch Brewery Tour Center, hosted by
The Young Friends as well as the Urbanites Landmark Association.
Archives specialist for Anhesuer-Busch, Mike Thompson,
gave us an inside look into the history of the brewery,
as well as some of the history behind the many marketing
strategies that Anheuser-Busch underwent, and how they thrived
as a company through some of the most trying times
in history. It was FASCINATING!
We have to say, we learned more in the History on Tap,
then all of the brewery tours we have done over the years.
And let us tell you, it's been a few.

What we love about these events so much is not 
only getting out and enjoying one of the many events this city has
to offer, but also discovering
the amazing orgazintion this city has
to get involved in. It's really one of the best parts
of St. Louis.

WE are already looking forward to the next event!

For more information on how to become involved in
The Young Friends of the Missouri History Museum,
or the Urbanites Landmark Association, visit their sites!
They are both really great organizations if you are looking
for ways to get involved in the communuty!

Young Friends of the Missouri History Museum

Ubanites Landmark Association


fox + gypsy

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