
September 12, 2017

Tunesday; Marian Hill

One of our absolute favorite sets
from Loufest this past weekend was 
hands down Marian Hill. We were anticipating 
a pretty amazing show based on their
music that somehow makes us alwasy
want to get up and move.

Their stage energy
was electric and totally matched the vibe
of this Duo's unique sound. With Lana Del Rey-esque
sultry vocals, paired with electronic beats and
saxophone, they were a performance for 
the books.. with some SERIOUS
sexy dance moves to boot.
(We were slightly envious.)
The had the audience begging for
and encore, but alas, it didn't come.
We hope our first show, is definitely
not our last to see from Marian Hill. 

all images via Google Image

Check out Marian Hill on Spotify!

Happy Tunesday!

fox + gypsy

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