
November 10, 2017

Fall in St. Louis

“But these are the days we dream about, 
when the sunlight paints us gold.”

For some, the changing of the trees is an indication 
of summer days long gone, and Jack Frost creeping
 up around the corner. But that short little transitional period
 in between, is one we love so much; Fall.

You really can’t beat fall in South St. Louis. There is just 
something so magical about the color of the trees
 mixed with the lines of brick houses, smoke billowing
 from the chimneys. And every so often you can hear the 
faint sounds of laughter from neighbors gathered 
around a bonfire in the backyard.

Our favorite spot to admire during this time is
 Francis Park. When we first moved in the city 7 
years back, this park captured our hearts in the fall. 
On of our favorite things to do is spend a sunny Saturday 
walking around the tree lined perimeter of the park with
 Frank Sinatra playing. Fall + Frank; Something about
 the mixture of the two just seems right.

We’ve been getting a little weepy at the half barren trees,
 knowing that at any moment, all the beauty will fall to the 
ground, and winter will be here. But for now, we are 
savoring all the moments we can until that day comes.

We truly feel lucky to live in this neighborhood,
 especially in the Fall.


What makes YOU feel lucky to
live here?

Share YOUR unique story about what you

love about your neighborhood on Social 
media with the tag


and you'll be entered to win a fantastic

St. Louis themed prize! We're always looking for
great new places to see in St. Louis, and can't wait
to see what everyone has to share!

Follow all the great action in Saint Louis all season long just by searching #Luckytolivehere on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook!

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